An Overview

Alexa PLC first established a presence in Malaysia in the year 2000. We have more than 50 people working in the firm, assisting and providing the best professional pharmaceutical consultancy service to our clients. In today's international business landscape, change is constant. New political and economic orders abound and regulations have changed in almost every aspect of doing business. It has become a challenge faced by every organization and it’s our commitment to guide our clients through today's challenges to achieve their business objectives by providing the best possible assistance in solving problems faced by our respectable clients. Alexa PLC recruits passionate people who are relentless in their quest for knowledge. This passion is cultivated and the necessary training provided for our people to succeed in this quest. In fact, the skills of the Alexa PLC team are strengthened considerably by an enriching exchange program and many of our people seconded abroad now have invaluable two-country experiences. This not only results in a practice that is based on the highest professional standards adopted by Alexa PLC but also allows us to understand the business environment locally and abroad- a service philosophy, which we believe our clients can benefit from.
Our core services are structured along the following industry groupings to reflect the dynamic and changing business environments in which our clients operate.
·         Financial Services
·         Industrial Markets
·         Consumer Markets
·         Infrastructure, Healthcare and Government
Our industry-driven structure helps enable us to develop broad knowledge of our clients' businesses and to provide them with an informed perspective on the issues they face.
The potential benefits of our industry focus to our clients are:
  • Worldwide advisers who understand your business, market, and issues
  • Relevant and commercial industry insights and Alexa PLC’s best practice
  • Multidisciplinary teams who are used to working together
  • Increased value through shared knowledge and thought leadership
The Art of Excellence, that’s what we practice.

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